These are the things which make me who I am
The cuboidal tiles on the rack stared coldly upon my eyes. I gazed off the salubrious sky through the windows in the computer room. The golden sun struck its rays with awesome conflagration of pink and yellow. Oh! How glorious the weather was that day. The gentle wind slowly caressed the bristles of unshaven hair upon my cheek. I racked my mind effortlessly, searching for even a word to double up my accumulated points. Darn! I could not scrape out even a double-letter-word of it! I was at wit’s end. “Now where on earth is my scrabble dictionary?” I monologued. I couldn’t find it in my jungle of book piles. Stacks of fictional novels were everywhere in sight in my room. It was a horrendous sight.
“Mummy! Have you seen the big blue dictionary? I can’t find it!” I shouted stridently to my mother, just in case she wouldn’t hear me as she’s downstairs.
“No, dear! I bet that it’s somewhere between those books in your muddled room. How many times that I told you to clean your room?”
Here we go again…
“Honey! Come here at once!” bawled my stern-looking mother. I tiptoed slowly and ambled carefully into my messy room. Clothes were hanging here and there. Heaps of story books, novels and not to forget the read-in-exams-season-only textbooks were scattered, disorganised in my rickety study table. Specks of dust and paper crumplings were everywhere in sight. It was such a frowzy scene.
Mother gave me the look. The ‘how-many-times-that-I’ve-told-you-to-do-something’ look. “And the nagging shall begin!” a voice in my head was heard, much like a presenter at an award-giving ceremony.
Nag, nag, nag. Bleat, bleat, bleat. Is this what all mothers do? I was repeatedly told by mother about the virtues of cleanliness again and again. My ears were starting to grow numb. But somehow a deep voice inside my head whispered. “Wait, Firdaus! These are not mumblings. Your mother is always right.” That got me thinking. Maybe the voice was right. These were not naggings. They were some sort of communication which expresses mother’s genuine love and care. Yes! I understand now. They were giving us an aid. An assist for my tedious growth.
This is what makes me into who I am. Yes. My mother’s advices. They have nurtured and moulded me into who I am now. A straightforward, no-nonsense boy, very much different from many other teens at my own age. I am now a prefect in my school. Not-so-common for a 16-year old. What differentiates me from my peers? Truly, my mother’s words and advices really affected my traits and personalities. I can say that I am more matured in making decisions than most of my friends. I can distinguish what’s good for me and what’s not, thanks to the endless speeches that I often receive at home.
So, what makes me into who I am? My mother’s advice of course! They are earnest, unquestionable and by right they are true. In fact, without them, who am I now? A ridiculous bawdy teen slouching in malls with my rampant friends? Maybe. And now I am really thankful for what she had done to me. Sculpturing me into a well-guided boy. Showing me the light on the path of life. She is my mother. My one and only mother.
Wait! I’ve got a scrabble game to finish. Scrabble. That is my life. I just get crazy with this fun-filled game. This highly addictive game is really entertaining. It’s amusing. Full of gusto and zeal. Playing it with my peers every weekend is a must. I love scrabble. Rocking my mind, squeezing my nerve and hankering after the highest score are the goals of this game. Getting a triple-word-score is just enough to make me over the moon. The ecstasy is impressive. I really relish in this game. Tournaments are everywhere. Internet, schools and even supermarkets. I could go anywhere to indulge in this miraculous game. By no means, it’s intoxicating! Scrabble had turned me into a creative, whiz and fearless kid. When it is BINGO, meaning scoring an extra 50 points, I am really in seventh heaven. It was a grateful time being triumphant as that. Yeah! The awesomeness is just indescribable.
Besides, I could easily broaden my network of friends. Participants in this game come from a variety of schools and even foreign countries. This means I can get accustomed with different cultures and traditions. See! I could get a lot from this board game. Some people might say that scrabble is just a sheer waste of time. But the naked truth is, they don’t really know the benefits. Scrabble can widen one’s vocabulary box. The living proof is I. Before I got hooked on scrabble, my English was very poor. But after a few months, I passed my English test with flying colours! My teachers were surprised and impressed by this great improvement. That’s what scrabble had done to me.
While waiting for my opponent to make a move, I glimpsed at the trophy rack. Shining trophies and dazzling cups lining in a majestic way. My eyes suddenly were riveted into a gigantic blue trophy, tied with an azure ribbon. Yes. The debate inter-state champion trophy. Unanticipated, my mind got swirled around, reminiscing the bitter sweet memories while I was debating. “Opposition or government?” the question kept floating in my mind box. Sending ripples of coldness and stammers to my body. “Government!” gushed my team leader. It’s preparation time. A one-hour of non-stop practice. That is debate. World of arguments and opinions from different perspectives and point of views. I simply love the fact that I am in the school debate team. Debating is my life. Debating is in my blood. My father was once a debater in his schooling years.
In debate we search for the best point to stand head and shoulders among the others. Public speaking is an art. A gift that should be used for the boon of the mankind. I am grateful that I have been awarded by God the gift of the gab.
Dug-dug-dug. The thumpings of my heart were starting to get louder. Beads of glistening sweat forming on my forehead. It was my turn to present my substantive points. I started with a charming smile, revealing a set of well-kept bone-white teeth. Then, I started to talk. Rebutting the opponent’s points and stressing my own points. Out of the blue, the second minister from the opposition team stood up, elegantly from his chair. “Point of information, please!” I was flabbergasted but I remained in poise. This is the moment I feared most. A moment of “slaughtering” the opponent’s point. “Yes, my dear.” It spurted out from my mouth, confidently and I tried to muster my courage. Thank God! I managed to respond to his question with a winning point. I perceived thunderous applause from the audience and even a standing ovation! I was in raptures and I finally ended my speech in a stylish manner. I did it. I was announced as the best debater for the tournament. Endless praises from my peers after the competition.
All this debating has made me a tough boy. Eveready for challenges and obstacles. A public-speaker who has a vision of becoming Mr. Prime Minister. That’s me. “She calls me baby, then she won’t call me”. My phone suddenly started singing out its ‘Jenny’ ring tone. I was startled. My vision suddenly got blurred and I peered at the ringing phone. It was Celina, one of my debating partners. I picked it up and she told me that the debate practice had been postponed. Argh! Finally. It was really a nerve-racking week for me. I’ve got to text my other team mates to inform them. Now, I realised. I don’t know how my life would turn out to be without my mobile device. It is really sophisticated yet beneficial to me.
Hand phones. An invention and creation for my hustle bustle life. A gadget that simplifies my works and chores. Without them, my life will be helter-skelter, higgledy-piggledy and of course in a haphazardly manner. I simply love my ‘Nokia Xpressmusic’ phone. I can listen to the latest booming music, surfing the boundless internet, capturing picture of my greatest moment with my comrades and of course calling my beloved family and friends. I remembered once, when I was in the primary school, I left my hand phone being spun and soaking wet in the washing machine. Oh God! I got fever the whole day after realizing my stupid mistake leaving the thing without even bother to look for it. Just after that, I became a more meticulous and alert boy. See. Hand phones also had made me into a better person, a more pious individual leading this rickety life.
Ting! It was my turn to put my word on the board. My opponent had put ‘ZYZZYVAS’, scoring a massive 168 points plus the bonus annoying 50 points for BINGO. I tapped my head. What was I supposed to do? I let out a high-pitched shriek. Trying to release the tense that filled up my cranium. Then, a word began to swirl around my mind. ‘TZADDIQ’, a foreign word. I was trembled in jubilation. Victory was on my way. I smiled in satisfaction. These are the things which make me who I am and I really thankful for that. I really live my life!
(1589 words)
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